low place

low place FAYE, GEOGRAPHY A place characterized by dark magic. Low places are locations believed by → folken to hold concentrations of evil or dark spirits. They can be created in many ways, but the three primary ways are 

  1. a long-standing tradition of performing dark rites or ritualistic sacrifices to dark deities or spirits,

  2. the haunting of a shade who in life had held great power as a witch, warlock, or other magical being, or

  3. the mass extinction of a group of people through great tragedy or evil, including murder.

It is common for the origins of a low place to be unknown or mysterious, particularly if the cause happened before recorded history. Technically, a low place is a form of → vaultine, albeit one that is created (whether intentionally or unintentionally) and one known for dark magic and negative energy. 

Eric Love
I am a story teller. The goal of a story is to move people in some way. Whether with video, words or images and graphics, my end goal is always to tell a good story. When your story is told successfully, it expresses your strengths and the unique way in which you fill a need or want. With every service I offer, I seek to answer this question: what is the best way to tell this story? Showing always beats telling.

Lost Lake


low thing