Eric Shane Love

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Lustrain GEOGRAPHY — A city. Lustrain (pronounced “loostrain” with a slight trill on the r) is a city known for and named after its mining and distribution of the primary source of currency in → Ausrost (→ tricks). It is a wealthy city nestled within the mountains of the → Ti-Fleek Lustrẻ (eastern range) and is mostly cut off from the rest of Ausrost by the mountains and the → Barren (to the north). It is a highly fortified and distrustful city given its vast amount of wealth because of its control of the currency supply throughout Ausrost and, to some degree, all of → Mor-Thandak. Lustrain is home to a large population of poor → folken, the vast majority of which work as indentured servants in the Ti-Fleek Lustrẻ mines.