Moon, Malkein
Moon, Malkein ASTRONOMY, CULTURE — High moon. Malkein is an ancient → lynthian word meaning “magic.” Malkein Moon refers to a period where the → Sleeping Moon (or → Dead Moon) “crests” on any of the four → Hidain (High Holy Days). It is believed to thin further the veil between realms, heightening the magical properties of the time. The exact meaning of a Malkein Moon is determined by which Hidain it falls upon: a Malkein Moon during → Tanneibel is a good omen, one during → Feilebroc is a bad omen, one falling on either → Sauingrey or → Lunauinbroc must be interpreted congruent to other factors. The “reading” of even the simplest Malkein Moon is complicated, as influential factors vary. Weather patterns, religious beliefs and regional superstitions play a role in the interpretation.