Quid ETHNICITY — A people group. The Quid are a race of people who live in the northern hemisphere, beyond the → Hundroën Mountains. A decidedly stern race, the Quid are believed to be distantly related to the → Skree because they share similar physiognomical attributes as well as similar religious beliefs which are shrouded with secrecy to those outside the Quid (though the deities worshipped by the two groups do differ in name and certain aspects). The Quid are typically an albino people, though hair and eye color vary. The most striking difference between the Quid and all peoples of the southern hemisphere is the mirror of the seasons: winter in the north is summer in the south and vice versa, and their → Hidain reflect this. Another peculiarity to the Quid is their ability to build explosive clay pots filled with volatile substances that spark, sizzle or explode when exposed to fire or pressure—these are known as → fire sticks. The Quid are the only known race of people who do not fear the Skree but are not their allies.