Weeping Mother Tree

Weeping Mother Tree FAYE — A religious figure. The Weeping Mother Tree is a kindly spirit believed by the Sisters of Eri to protect travelers, the weary and the lost and to give some the ability to see into the fabric making up all things and/or into other realms. The origins of the myth of the Weeping Mother Tree, considered by the Eri to be the Creator → Mother, are not well known; however, the essence of the tale is that a tree, the mother of all life, once wept a river for those lost and weary, for those who could not find their way. The river symbolizes hope and deliverance derived from the Weeping Mother Tree’s tears. It is also believed by some the Weeping Mother Tree forged the → Weeping Forest. The Creator Mother is a token spirit of the Sisters of Eri (one of many). 

the Mother 

Eric Love
I am a story teller. The goal of a story is to move people in some way. Whether with video, words or images and graphics, my end goal is always to tell a good story. When your story is told successfully, it expresses your strengths and the unique way in which you fill a need or want. With every service I offer, I seek to answer this question: what is the best way to tell this story? Showing always beats telling.

Weeping Forest, the


Western Mountains, the