Minin GEOGRAPHY — A Goth village. Minin is a small mountain village in Goth that is best known for its former → cumatu, → kreling. Situated within the foothills of the → Nameless Mountains, where they merge with the → Forgetful Mountains, Minin is peculiar among all villages in → Mor-Thandak in that some inhabitants of the village claim to have had ancestors who visited or even hailed from the → Forgotten North. As the Skree presence and influence in Goth intensified, many inhabitants of Minin, as well as most other villages and communities in Goth, migrated to parts of → Carde and → Ausrost, taking with them aspects of their culture and religious beliefs that have been incorporated into the beliefs of the people groups with which they joined. Two examples include → fricks (specifically during → Sauingrey) and the practice of young ladies giving young men they fancy flowers during festival.
Over time, the practice of the kreling died out in Minin as Skree culture absorbed most others in the region. However, the kreling practice of choosing two lovers to copulate before being sacrificed—a prominent aspect of the kreling cumatu—was adopted and expanded upon among the Skree. It is unclear if the Skree’s love of human sacrifice led to this inclusion in Skree culture or if the kreling itself helped shape the Skree belief in human sacrifice.